In September British pupils go back to school after the summer

In September British pupils go back to school after the summer holidays.
1) The school reporter asks Mandy, Robert and John the question quot;Are you glad to be back to school?quot;.
What are the childrens answers?
Reporter: Are you glad to be back to school?
John: Im looking forward to school. nbsp;Ill have my
favourite subjects again.
Mandy: Of course, I am. Ill meet my friends. Robert: nbsp;nbsp;Oh, nbsp;nbsp;no! nbsp;Im nbsp;a nbsp;bit nbsp;nervous nbsp;about nbsp;tests nbsp;in
Maths! They are difficult!
2) The reporter is going to write an article about the first
day of school.
Look through his notes and match the name and the
Compare the original words of the children and the reporters words. What changes are there in the reporters words? Read the rule and check. Read Learning to learn note No 1.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
1) Как ты думаешь, какие предметы они изучают в 7м классе?
I think they study English language.
Im sure they study maths.
I think they study art.
I think they study biology.
I think they study geography.
I think they study science.
I think they study English literature.
I suppose they have Physical Education.
I suppose they study history.
I suppose they study Information Technology.
I suppose they study Religious education.
2) nbsp;Взгляни на расписание занятий 7-го класса. Проверь, прав ли ты был.
3) Какие предметы ты изучаешь (не изучаешь) в 7-м классе?
I study maths
I study Russian language
I study Russian Literature
I study biology
I study history
I study geography
I study science
I study chemistry
I dont study religious education
I dont study French
I dont study Design and technology
, оставишь ответ?

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