Переведите: The man reading the book is my uncle

Переведите: The man reading the book is my uncle
nbsp;(*ответ*) Человек, читающий книгу, - мой дядя
nbsp;Человек, прочитавший книжку, - мой дядя
nbsp;Человек читает книгу, он мой дядя
nbsp;Человек, читавший книжку, - мой дядя
Поставьте в пассивную форму выражение: you attract
nbsp;(*ответ*) you are attracted
nbsp;you have attracted
nbsp;you are attracting
nbsp;you attracted
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: quot;Have you chosen your future profession?quot;
quot;Strange as it may seem, I havent yet.quot;
nbsp;(*ответ*) quot;Well, I think it is natural that you should hesitate. There are so many occupations, that it is not easy to decide.quot;
nbsp;Yes. What can I do for you?
nbsp;Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.
nbsp;Her name is Susan, carriage
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: quot;Have you heard the news?quot;
quot;What news?quot;
quot;Nick has мейд up his mind to try to enter the teachers college.quot;
nbsp;(*ответ*) quot;Oh! Its unbelievable that he should become a teacher. He hates children.quot;
nbsp;Yes. What can I do for you?
nbsp;Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.
nbsp;Im very much obliged to you.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: quot;Theres no doubt that she should become a doctor.quot;
quot;Why do you think so?quot;
nbsp;(*ответ*) quot;Ive known her for many years as a very kind-hearted girl. Besides, she comes from a doctors family. For several generations they all have been doctors.quot;
nbsp;Yes. What can I do for you?
nbsp;Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.
nbsp;Her name is Susan, carriage
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Ann: And who does the shopping in your family?
nbsp;(*ответ*) As a rule, mother does shopping after work. But today I must buy something for supper as mother has a meeting at her work.
nbsp; Hes a doctor.
nbsp;Because I usually catch an early train up to town.
nbsp;With pleasure.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Ann: Hello, Mary.
Mary: Hello, come in. Im just doing the room.
Ann: Oh, what a pity you are busy. Ive got two tickets for the cinema. The show begins at three sharp.
Mary: Dont worry. It never takes me much time to tidy up my room.
nbsp;(*ответ*) Let me help you. What am I to do?
nbsp; Hes a doctor.
nbsp;Yes, they are. And, by the way, we are going to a lecture with them tomorrow night.
nbsp;With pleasure.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Bob: Mr. Menning, I want to introduce Mr. Thomas.
Mr. Menning: How do you do, Mr. Thomas?
Dick: How do you do, Mr. Menning? Im glad to meet you.
Mr. Menning: Are you a student, Mr. Thomas?
Dick: Yes, I study medicine.
Mr. Menning: Is medicine a difficult subject?
nbsp;(*ответ*) Yes, I think so. I study hard. I have a class this morning.
nbsp; Hes a doctor.
nbsp;Because I usually catch an early train up to town.
nbsp;With pleasure.
Дополните мини-диалог подходящей репликой: Carol: I didnt know you worked, too. What do you do?
Johnny: I do a newspaper round.
Carol: Dont you have to get up early, before school, to do that?
Johnny: Yes, I get up at half past six every morning.
nbsp;(*ответ*) Thats why you nearly fell asleep in French class yesterday!
nbsp;Yes. What can I do for you?
nbsp;Oh, it was very easy. I went in there one Saturday morning and the lady who owns the shop told me how busy she is every Saturday. I offered to come and help her and she was very glad.
nbsp;Her name is Susan, carriage

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