Read the rubric.
What type of text would you write?

Read the rubric.
What type of text would you write?
Who would read it?
What style would you write it in?
Which tenses would you use?
What points might you make? Read the essay and check.
Your school newspaper is asking readers to write an article giving their opinion on the following statement:
Students should not be allowed to bring their mobile phones to school.
Mobile Phones in Schools
For several years now, schools have debated whether or not pupils should be allowed to bring their mobile phones to school. While there are some advantages to having mobiles at school, I personally believe that it is better for students to leave them at home. First of all, they can be a serious distraction in classrooms. It is impossible for teachers and students to focus on classwork if there are constant interruptions from mobile phones ringing. Moreover, students cannot listen to the teacher and concentrate fully on their work if they are sending text messages or playing games.
Secondly, there are possible risks to the safety and general welfare of students if they are allowed to bring their mobiles to school. There have been quite a few cases, for instance, of students being attacked and robbed of their phones on their way to and from school. In addition, the classroom should not be used as a place to show off possessions. On the other хэнд, however, there are times when it can be useful for students to have mobiles at school. For example, some parents prefer their children to have their phones with them so that they can contact each other during the day in case of an emergency. All in all, although allowing mobiles in schools can be beneficial to a certain extent, it seems to me that they are an unnecessary distraction, especially in class

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1 ответ
- I would write an article giving my opinion.
- People who read the school newspaper would read it.
- I would write it in a formal style.
- I would use present tenses and the passive.
- I would make the following points: a mobile phone disrupts the class, students cant concentrate on the lesson if they are using their mobile phones, mobile phone theft may occur.
- Я бы написал статью, высказывающую мое воззрение.
- Люди, которые читают школьную газету, прочитают статью.
- Я бы написал ее в формальном стиле.
- Я хотел бы использовать истиннее время и пассивный залог.
- Я хотел бы направить внимание на следующие моменты: мобильный телефон срывает уроки, студенты не могут сконцентрироваться на уроке, если они используют свои мобильные телефоны, могут произойти кражи мобильных телефонов.
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