Listen, read and learn the poem by heart.
If all

Listen, read and learn the poem by heart.
If all the seas were one sea,
What a great sea that would be!
If all the trees were one tree,
What a great tree that would be!
And if all the axes were one axe,
What a great axe that would be!
And if all the men were one man,
What a great man that would be!
And if the great man took the great axe,
And cut down the great tree,
And let it fall into the great sea,
What a splish-splash that would be!

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If all the seas were one sea,
What a great sea that would be!
If all the trees were one tree,
What a great tree that would be!
And if all the axes were one axe,
What a great axe that would be!
And if all the men were one man,
What a great man that would be!
And if the great man took the great axe,
And cut down the great tree,
And let it fall into the great sea,
What a splish-splash that would be!

Если бы да кабы!
Кабы реки и озера
Слить бы в озеро одно,
А из всех деревьев бора
Сделать дерево одно,
Топоры бы все расплавить
И отлить один топор.
А из всех людей составить
Человека выше гор,
Кабы, брав топор могучий,
Этот строгий гигант
Этот ствол обрушил с кручи,
То-то звучный был бы треск,
То-то гулкий был бы плеск.
(Перевод С. Маршака)
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