Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version

Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Before Alfy the present watchman took over, there was a tragedy in the Bear Flag Restaurant which saddened everyone. The previous watchman was named William and he was a dark and lonesome-looking man. In the daytime when his duties were few he would _ tired of female company
nbsp;(*ответ*) grow
nbsp;(*ответ*) get
nbsp;(*ответ*) become
nbsp;Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Eva _ at him. quot;Thats a dirty, lousy, stinking sin,quot; she cried, and then, quot;Wouldnt it be like you to get the joint pinched just when I got almost enough kick to take a trip to East St. Louis
nbsp;(*ответ*) screeched
nbsp;(*ответ*) screamed
nbsp;(*ответ*) yelled
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: He walked out one day and sat on the pipe. Conversation _and an uneasy and hostile silence fell on the group. After a while William went disconsolately back to the Bear Flag and through the window he saw the conversation spring up again and it saddened him. He had a dark and ugly face and a mouth twisted with brooding
nbsp;(*ответ*) stopped
nbsp;(*ответ*) ceased
nbsp;(*ответ*) ended
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: His loose sole flap-flapped on the street. He went up the hill to the second street, went through a gate in a high board fence and was not seen again until evening. People, sleeping, heard his flapping shoe go by and they awakened for a _
nbsp;(*ответ*) moment
nbsp;(*ответ*) second
nbsp;(*ответ*) minute
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: It was evening and the juke box was playing Harvest Moon and William remembered that the first _ who ever gaffed for him used to like that song before she ran away and got married and disappeared
nbsp;(*ответ*) hooker
nbsp;(*ответ*) whore
nbsp;(*ответ*) prostitute
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Now and then as he watched them he saw them take out a pint of Old Tennis Shoes and wiping the neck of the bottle on a sleeve, raise the pint one after another. And William began to wish he could join that good _
nbsp;(*ответ*) group
nbsp;(*ответ*) bunch
nbsp;(*ответ*) collective
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Now Williams heart broke. The bums would not receive him socially. They _ that he was too far beneath them. William had always been introspective and self-accusing. He put on his hat and walked out along the sea, clear out to the Lighthouse
nbsp;(*ответ*) felt
nbsp;(*ответ*) thought
nbsp;(*ответ*) belived
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: She was painting her nails and messing them pretty badly when William went in and he knew she was bagged and Dora wouldnt let a bagged girl work. Her fingers were nail polish to the first joint and she was _. quot;Whats eating you?quot; she said. William grew angry too. quot;Im going to bump myself off,quot; he said fiercely
nbsp;(*ответ*) angry
nbsp;(*ответ*) mad
nbsp;(*ответ*) pissed
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: The next _ he went again and this time he took a pint of whiskey. Mack and the boys drank the whiskey, after all they werent crazy, but all the talking they did was quot;Good luck,quot; and quot;Lookin at you.quot;
nbsp;(*ответ*) day
nbsp;(*ответ*) time
nbsp;(*ответ*) occasion
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Through the windows he could see Mack and the boys sitting on the pipes in the vacant _, dangling their feet in the mallow weeds and taking the sun while they discoursed slowly and philosophically of matters of interest but of no importance
nbsp;(*ответ*) lot
nbsp;(*ответ*) spot
nbsp;(*ответ*) place
Find the three answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Youre a no-good bastard.quot; She was still screaming at him when William _ her door after him and went to the kitchen. He was very tired of women. The Greek would be restful after women
nbsp;(*ответ*) shut
nbsp;(*ответ*) slammed
nbsp;(*ответ*) closed
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: There are normally twelve _ in the house, counting the old ones, a Greek cook, and a man who is known as a watchman but who undertakes all manner of delicate and dangerous tasks
nbsp;(*ответ*) girls
nbsp;(*ответ*) ladies
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: ... And Lee carefully packed the bones, femurs, and tibias really straight, skull in the middle, with pelvis and clavicle surrounding it and ribs curving on either side. Then Lee Chong sent his boxed and brittle grandfather over the western sea to lie at last in ground мейд _ by his ancestors
nbsp;(*ответ*) holy
nbsp;(*ответ*) sacred
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: A hard man with a can of beans a soft man with the bones of his grandfather. For Lee Chong dug into the grave on China Point and found the yellow bones, the skull with gray ropy hair still _ to it
nbsp;(*ответ*) sticking
nbsp;(*ответ*) attached
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: Alfred has triumphed over his environment and has brought his environment up with him. He knows what men should be there and what men shouldnt be there. He knows more about the home life of Monterey citizens than _ in town
nbsp;(*ответ*) anyone
nbsp;(*ответ*) anybody
Find the two answers that best correspond to the original version of the novel: And by the same token she is hated by the twisted and lascivious sisterhood of married spinsters whose husbands respect the home but dont _ it very much
nbsp;(*ответ*) like
nbsp;(*ответ*) enjoy

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