Have you ever had any problems similar to those in Ex.

Have you ever had any problems similar to those in Ex. 2b while on holiday? Use the language in the box to discuss them.
A: I once went on a package holiday to Italy and our flight was delayed by ten hours.
B: Oh dear, thats awful!
Describing a bad experience
I/we once (went etc ...
Youll never guess what happened (to me/us ...
Did you hear/Did I tell you what happened ...?
I/We had a(n) (really) awful/terrible experience ...
and then to make matters worse ...
Oh dear!/Oh no!/What a shame!
How awful/terrible/disappointing!
What a(n) terrible experience/absolute nightmare!
Oh, Im (really) sorry to hear that. You must be/
feel really disappointed/angry etc.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
- Did I tell you what happened with us at Cyprus? The first day my friend and I got sunburn and then we sat in the hotel the entire vacation (Я говорил для тебя, что случилось с нами на Кипре? В 1-ый денек мой друг и я обгорели на солнце и весь отпуск мы посиживали в отеле).
- How awful! As for me, we had a really terrible experience on our holiday in China and then to make matters worse I lost my phone and my mom lost her bag (Какой кошмар! Что же касается меня, у нас было вправду страшное воспоминание от наших каникул в Китае, и потом, в довершение ко всем неприятностям, я потерял собственный телефон, а моя мать потеряла сумку).
- Oh, Im sorry to hear that. You must be really disappointed (О, мне жалко это слышать. Ты должно быть очень расстроился).
, оставишь ответ?

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