Fill in: thunder, storm, clouds, bolt, rain. Check in Appendix 1.

Fill in: thunder, storm, clouds, bolt, rain. Check in Appendix 1.
Are there similar idioms in your language?
1 I wasnt expecting it to happen. It was a..........out of the blue.
2 The problem seems much worse than it actually is. Its just a a tea cup.
3 Theres no way you can buy a house like that. Youve really got your head in the.......!
4 Nothing will stop me going to the meeting tomorrow. Ill be there, come.....or shine!
5 Is Jenny angry about something? She has a face like..........!

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1 ответ
1 bolt (a bolt out of the blue - гром посреди светлого неба)
2 storm (storm in a tea cup - буря в стакане воды)
3 clouds (head in the clouds - летать в облаках)
4 rain (come rain or shine - что бы ни случилось)
5 thunder (has a face like thunder - мрачнее тучи)
, оставишь ответ?

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