Which nbsp;of these nbsp;sentences are true nbsp;(T) or false nbsp;(F) according

Which nbsp;of these nbsp;sentences are true nbsp;(T) or false nbsp;(F) according to the kids nbsp;stories? (LLN nbsp;No. 20)
i Allison nbsp;likes nbsp;living in the village.
Jonathan nbsp;thinks nbsp;nbsp;Babylon nbsp;is nbsp;a nbsp;nice nbsp;place nbsp;for children.

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Какие из этих утверждений честны (Т) либо неверны (F), согласно историям малышей?
Allison likes living in the village. (T) Jonathan thinks Babylon is a nice place for children. (T)
Allison likes a nice library in her village. (T)
Allison has got a rabbit, a cat, and a rat in her flat. (F)
Spencerville is the best place for pets. (T)
Babylon has got schools and swimming pools. (T)
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