When Minerva (Miss Pinkerton) intimated to Miss Sharp that she was

When Minerva (Miss Pinkerton) intimated to Miss Sharp that she was to instruct the juniors in music, the young girl ...
nbsp;(*ответ*) refused but said she would do it if she was given money
nbsp;gave a flat and unconditional refusal
nbsp;asked Miss Pinkerton for some time to make a decision
When Miss Pinkerton gave Miss Sharp an opportunity of shaking one of her fingers at the moment of their parting, Miss Sharp ...
nbsp;(*ответ*) only folded her own hands with a very frigid smile
nbsp;pretended not to see the gesture and continued speaking French
nbsp;did know what to do as she had not expected that
nbsp;shook it humbly and retreated quickly
When Miss Pinkerton said that she had nourished a viper in her bosom she meant ...
nbsp;(*ответ*) Rebecca
nbsp;mighty Miss Saltire
nbsp;envious Miss Briggs
nbsp;her sister
When Miss Sharps father was drunk, he used to ...
nbsp;(*ответ*) beat his wife and daughter
nbsp;recall his childhood and weep for hours
nbsp;be very kind and tender
nbsp;sing old country songs
When morning came, the good-natured Mrs. Sedley no longer thought of ...
nbsp;(*ответ*) executing her threats with regard to Miss Sharp
nbsp;sending her daughter Amelia to high school
nbsp;divorcing her husband
nbsp;keeping Osborne far away of their house
When parting Rebecca Sharp addressed Miss Pinkerton in French and the latter ...
nbsp;(*ответ*) answered her in English that she wished her a good morning
nbsp;answered her in Italian which Rebecca did not know
nbsp;wished her a good journey in poor French
nbsp;did not say anything as she could not speak French
When Rebecca called Joseph Sedley a very handsome man, she ...
nbsp;(*ответ*) knew Amelia would tell her mother , who would probably tell Joseph
nbsp;just мейд fun of him.
nbsp;meant what she said without any secret thought.
nbsp;was sure that Amelia would keep it secret
When Rebecca saw the two magnificent Cashmere shawls which Joseph Sedley had brought to his sister she said that ....
nbsp;(*ответ*) it must be delightful to have a brother
nbsp;had just the same in color and size
nbsp;they were too lavish gifts
nbsp;he might have been more generous
When Rebecca was at the Mall she ...
nbsp;(*ответ*) looked back to the freedom and the beggary of the old studio in Soho
nbsp;was quite indifferent both to her old life and to her new position
nbsp;was glad to have got rid of her unhappy life in the family
nbsp;was consumed with grief for her lost friends
When Rebecca was cheated into trying a chili she ...
nbsp;(*ответ*) asked for water and assumed a good-humoured air
nbsp;began to complain of being ill treated by everybody and of her miserable life.
nbsp;burst out into tears
nbsp;got infuriated and ran away from the table
When the carriage was ready to leave Miss Pinkertons academy Miss Jemima ....
nbsp;(*ответ*) rushed to the gate with a parcel
nbsp;ordered all the girls in the garden to wave their hands until it disappeared in the distance.
nbsp;let out a sigh of relief
Young people went off to the piano, which was situated, as pianos usually are in the ...
nbsp;(*ответ*) back drawing-room
Amelia had better ..., said her father, and let G. Osborne see what a beautiful handwriting we have brought back from Miss Pinkerton.
nbsp;(*ответ*) write a note
nbsp;sign a book for him
nbsp;write a poem for him
nbsp;show him her own copybooks
By Gad, Miss Rebecca, I wouldnt hurt you again. No, she said, I know you wouldnt, and then she ....
nbsp;(*ответ*) gave him ever so gentle a pressure with her little hand
nbsp;showed him her back
nbsp;stood up and went to her room
nbsp;gave him a kiss
Do you remember, Sedley, what a fury you were in, when I cut ..., and how Amelia, rescued me from a beating by falling down on her knees?
nbsp;(*ответ*) off the tassels of your Hessian boots
nbsp;the handles of your bag
nbsp;into parts the belt in your trousers
nbsp;off the buttons from your best jacket

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