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nbsp;nbsp;But bilingual preschoolers can read sooner because

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nbsp;nbsp;But bilingual preschoolers can read sooner because they are able to recognize lt; symbolic relations between letters/characters and sounds without having visual objects
nbsp;nbsp;First of all, if lt; one wants to see outcome soon, one must start sooner
nbsp;nbsp;So, the early children begin to learn new language lt; the better will be the result
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nbsp;nbsp;So, the early children begin to learn new language lt; the better will be the result
nbsp;nbsp;Scientists say that a child does not confuse lt; two different languages but learns them more effectively
nbsp;nbsp;Secondly, adults are often afraid to make mistakes lt; when they are speaking in a new language
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nbsp;nbsp;Scientists say that a child does not confuse lt; two different languages but learns them more effectively
nbsp;nbsp;Secondly, adults are often afraid to make mistakes lt; when they are speaking in a new language
nbsp;nbsp;This fear is one of the biggest barriers for a person lt; in his efforts to speak freely
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nbsp;nbsp;Secondly, adults are often afraid to make mistakes lt; when they are speaking in a new language
nbsp;nbsp;This fear is one of the biggest barriers for a person lt; in his efforts to speak freely
nbsp;nbsp;Otherwise, children do not afraid of making grammatical lt; mistakes because basically they just repeat words and sentences in the way they hear them
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nbsp;nbsp;There is a difference lt; between language acquisition and language learning
nbsp;nbsp;There are some individuals who seem lt; to develop analytical thinking skills more readily than others, and this helps them in the learning of grammatical concepts
nbsp;nbsp;However, that does not mean that only those students who are highly analytical should study a foreign language, as lt; second language acquisition (listening and speaking) is a global process
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nbsp;nbsp;There are some individuals who seem lt; to develop analytical thinking skills more readily than others, and this helps them in the learning of grammatical concepts
nbsp;nbsp;However, that does not mean that only those students who are highly analytical should study a foreign language, as lt; second language acquisition (listening and speaking) is a global process
nbsp;nbsp;Just as everyone needs to develop skills in a variety of curricular areas, everyone can benefit from learning a foreign language, whether lt; it is because of the cognitive advantages or the exposure to and understanding of other cultures
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nbsp;nbsp;However, that does not mean that only those students who are highly analytical should study a foreign language, as lt; second language acquisition (listening and speaking) is a global process
nbsp;nbsp;Just as everyone needs to develop skills in a variety of curricular areas, everyone can benefit from learning a foreign language, whether lt; it is because of the cognitive advantages or the exposure to and understanding of other cultures
nbsp;nbsp;Students with accommodations need to have the same adaptations made lt; in the language classroom as they do in the general education classroom
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nbsp;nbsp;Just as everyone needs to develop skills in a variety of curricular areas, everyone can benefit from learning a foreign language, whether lt; it is because of the cognitive advantages or the exposure to and understanding of other cultures
nbsp;nbsp;Students with accommodations need to have the same adaptations made lt; in the language classroom as they do in the general education classroom
nbsp;nbsp;We tend to see that children, who are more verbal in their native language, use lt; this tendency to their advantage when learning a second language
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nbsp;nbsp;Students with accommodations need to have the same adaptations made lt; in the language classroom as they do in the general education classroom
nbsp;nbsp;We tend to see that children, who are more verbal in their native language, use lt; this tendency to their advantage when learning a second language
nbsp;nbsp;The challenge is not to send a message to students that language lt; learning is difficult and that one has a knack for it or not
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nbsp;nbsp;The challenge is not to send a message to students that language lt; learning is difficult and that one has a knack for it or not
nbsp;nbsp;The research shows that these learning disabilities surface at the same lt; level in the foreign language classroom as they do in the general education classroom
nbsp;nbsp;Are some individuals naturally talented lt; when it comes to second language acquisition?

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