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nbsp;nbsp;Children are in the process of moving

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nbsp;nbsp;Children are in the process of moving lt; from egocentricity to reciprocity, and information introduced before the age of ten is eagerly received
nbsp;nbsp;Studies show that there is a direct correlation between the amount of time devoted lt; to language study and the language proficiency that the students attain
nbsp;nbsp;It can be argued, therefore, that children who begin foreign language study in elementary school, and who continue such study for a number of years, have lt; a better chance of developing a high level of foreign language proficiency than do students whose foreign language instruction begins in the post elementary school years
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nbsp;nbsp;Studies show that there is a direct correlation between the amount of time devoted lt; to language study and the language proficiency that the students attain
nbsp;nbsp;It can be argued, therefore, that children who begin foreign language study in elementary school, and who continue such study for a number of years, have lt; a better chance of developing a high level of foreign language proficiency than do students whose foreign language instruction begins in the post elementary school years
nbsp;nbsp;With this expansion, children will have the freedom to explore the wealth of values lt; and perceptions of the world; they will not be restricted to any one narrow view of life or one limited
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nbsp;nbsp;It can be argued, therefore, that children who begin foreign language study in elementary school, and who continue such study for a number of years, have lt; a better chance of developing a high level of foreign language proficiency than do students whose foreign language instruction begins in the post elementary school years
nbsp;nbsp;With this expansion, children will have the freedom to explore the wealth of values lt; and perceptions of the world; they will not be restricted to any one narrow view of life or one limited
nbsp;nbsp;For a local school or community seeking to implement elementary school language programs, it is important that a rationale - reasons why the program should be incorporated lt; into the curriculum - be developed to meet the needs and priorities of the particular area or institution the program(s) will serve
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nbsp;nbsp;With this expansion, children will have the freedom to explore the wealth of values lt; and perceptions of the world; they will not be restricted to any one narrow view of life or one limited
nbsp;nbsp;For a local school or community seeking to implement elementary school language programs, it is important that a rationale - reasons why the program should be incorporated lt; into the curriculum - be developed to meet the needs and priorities of the particular area or institution the program(s) will serve
nbsp;nbsp;Play is the cornerstone activity for social, cognitive and language development lt; in children from two-and-a-half to five-years-old
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nbsp;nbsp;For a local school or community seeking to implement elementary school language programs, it is important that a rationale - reasons why the program should be incorporated lt; into the curriculum - be developed to meet the needs and priorities of the particular area or institution the program(s) will serve
nbsp;nbsp;Play is the cornerstone activity for social, cognitive and language development lt; in children from two-and-a-half to five-years-old
nbsp;nbsp;Early childhood professionals lt; should promote play as the leading activity for children
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nbsp;nbsp;Play is the cornerstone activity for social, cognitive and language development lt; in children from two-and-a-half to five-years-old
nbsp;nbsp;Early childhood professionals lt; should promote play as the leading activity for children
nbsp;nbsp;The relationship between language development and play is two-way: language lt; makes it possible for children to adopt roles, and to negotiate the rules and goals of play
A rhyme, for young children, is a complete, short experience, _ fits well with their limited attention span
nbsp;(*ответ*) which
Also, children have a better chance to get _ of an accent
nbsp;(*ответ*) rid
Also, it helps a child develop and gain more knowledge _ is good for a long run
nbsp;(*ответ*) which
Any idea that learning to talk in English is difficult _ not occur to them unless its suggested by adults, who themselves probably learned English academically at a later age through grammar-based text books
nbsp;(*ответ*) does
Children gradually move _ memorized sentences to original, productive and spontaneous English conversation
nbsp;(*ответ*) from

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