Read the texts and answer the questions. Dear Diary, It039;s very

Read the texts and answer the questions. Dear Diary, It's very beautiful here in Lapland! It's the end of June and the weather is very warm. From the end of May until the end of July the sun never goes down here! I'm having a great time. There is only one problem; I can't sleep because it's always day! Dear Diary, It's December and the weather is just great! It's hot and sunny. Everything is nice here in Australia. I go swimming most days. My brother is making a sandcastle at the moment! He's having fun. It's really nice. 1 What is the weather like in June is Lapland? 2 What is the weather like in December in Australia?

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Гайчарова Дарина
Безотлагательно надобно
1 ответ
1)The weather is warm in June in Lapland.
2)The weather is hot and sunny in December in Australia
Валентина Крутильникова
спс тоже самое было и в другом познания ком
, оставишь ответ?

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