Elisa will come to your house if you ............................... (call) her.2.-The

Elisa will come to your house if you ............................... (call) her.2.-The dog will bark if you ............... (ring) the doorbell.3.-If Jeremy knew the secret, he ...................... (tell) you.4.-We ............. (listen) tothe new band if we had the CD.5.-Sheila will win the first prize if she ............ (take) part in the competition.6.-Your football team could score more goals if the trainer ...,,,,.. (be) better.7.-If Martin hadn’t got help, the cat ...................... (die) 8.-Theshop would be open if today .......................... (not be) Sunday.9.-Tina ..................... (eat) the tomato soup if he ...................(like) it.10.-If you let the door open, your bird ................... (fly) away.11.-Alan will give Sarah a diamond ring if he ............................... (have) enough money.12.-If you weren’t a heavy smoker, I ..................... (go) out with you more often.13.-The film director will be delighted if his daughter .............................. (study) Medicine.14.-My son would eat more fruit and vegetables If I ....................... (eat) them too.15.-The housekeeper .......................(clean) the bathroom if you tell her so.16.-David’s flat would be so messy if he ..................... (not be) so careless..17.-He will miss the plane if he ........................ (not put) the alarm clock.18.-If I ....................(be) you, I would complain to the manager.19.-Lydia would have come if she .........................(not be) so busy at work.20.-You can get your driving licence if you .................... (practice) more often. 21.-If you didn’t pay the electricity bill, they ................. (cut) off the service.22.-The plumber would repair the kitchen taps if your mother ............. (call) him.23.-The kid ....................(get) ill if he eats too many cakes.24-The policeman .....................(arrest) the thief if we ask for help.25.-If Philip sends a message, I ................. (bring) you the magazines.26.-Fernando won’t lose the game if he ..................... (pay) more attention.27.-If the concert hadn’t been cancelled, she .....................(enjoy) it.28.-Your cat wouldn’tbeso fatif your ................(give) him good food.29.-If that book belongs to you, I ................. (borrow) it.30.-If you listened to me, you .......................(not make) so many mistakes.31.-His parents would accept his marriage if she ..................... (be) American.32.-The garden would be cleaner if it ................................(not be) Autumn.33.-Marge ........... (not be) so angry if the dog didn’t eat the flowers in the garden.

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