Переведи текст The beginning of railway construction in Russia may be
Переведи текст
The beginning of railway construction in Russia may be traced as far back as the second half of the
XVIII century. Road building became closely connected with the development of the mining industry.
Among the numerous works built in the Urals the most important and the best equipped ones were
Voskresensk works. It was at those works that the first tramways in Russia were laid down to link the
mines and the works.
K.D. Frolov, a trained foreman was engaged in the construction of the tracks, and great ability and
zeal were displayed by him in that work. Later on, in 1769, K.D. Frolov succeeded in mechanizing
transportations within the shops of the works.
The next very important step was taken by A.S. Yartsev, manager of the Alexander Gun works in
Petrozavodsk, who suggested that cast iron rails should be used instead of trains, accordingly in 1788 a
railway 173,5 meters long was constructed to meet the needs of the works.
Another line with cast iron rails was constructed in the Altai Mountains by engineer R.K. Frolov, son
of K.D. Frolov, in 1809. Its length was 1867 kms. Its technical equipment was much superior to the
equipment of all the railways built in the Urals at that time. The rails R.K. Frolov used were elliptical
instead of being angular. It was on that railway that the graphic method of timing train movements was
first applied and it was R.K. Frolov who did it.
The stationary steam engine invented by I.I. Polsunov in the 1763 and installed at some plants paved
the way for the introduction of steam as tractive power on railways. The first steam loco in Russia was
constructed by the Cherepanovs, farther and son, who were considered to be the most skilled and
talented workmen of their time. In Russia many people had doubts about the possibility of using steam
engines in the Russian winter. The first railway using steam traction was put into operation at the Nizhni
Tagil metallurgical works. It was a short distance line covering only 854 metres.
Some four years later, in 1838, the inauguration of the St. Petersburg Tsarskoye Selo railway took
place. That very important railway line, which was 27 km, was soon followed in 1851, by the
construction of the Warsaw Austrian Border railway and later on by the building of the St. Petersburg
Moscow line 644 km in length. That was a first class double track railway line, which linked two large
industrial and cultural centers Moscow and St. Petersburg; 185 bridges and 19 viaducts were erected
to make the line as straight and level as possible. P.P. Melnicov and N.O. Kraft, prominent engineers,
were in charge of the construction work.
Стационарный паровой движок, изобретенный И. И. Ползуновым в 1763 году и установленный на неких заводах проложил путь для использования пара в качестве тягловой силы на железных дорогах. 1-ый паровой локомотив в России был построен Черепановыми, отцом и сыном, которые числились наиболее качественными и профессиональными мастеровыми своего медли. В Рф многие люди испытывали сомнения по предлогу способности использования парового мотора во время русской зимы. 1-ая стальная дорога с паровой тягой была введена в эксплуатацию на Нижнетагильском металлургическом комбинате. Это была короткая линия, длиной всего только 854 метра. Около 4 лет спустя, в 1838 году, была введена стальная дорога Санкт-Петербург - Царское Село . За этой очень главной жд линией, которая была 27 км, скоро в 1851 году, последовало строительство железной дороги до Варшавско Австрийской границы, и позднее из Санкт-Петербурга до Москвы- жд линия 644 км в длину. Это была дорога первого класса, двухпутейная железнодорожная линия, которая связала два великих промышленных и культурных центра: Москву и Санкт-Петербург; были возведены 185 мостов и 19 путепроводов чтобы сделать линию прямой и ровненькой, насколько это было вероятно.
П. П. Мельников и Н. О. Крафт, выдающиеся инженеры, были ответственными за эти строй работы.
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