Написать эссе на английском "В какую компьютерную игру я играл в

Написать эссе на английском "В какую компьютерную забаву я играл в заключительный раз" можно и на русском 100-140 слов

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When I get back from school, I eat something quick and do my homework. After that Im free to meet up with friends, to play computer games or to draw, which is my hobby. Sometimes, I play volleyball or other active games with my friends at the school playground. In summertime I also like playing ping-pong and Im rather good at it.

Weekends are a bit different. My parents usually give me some pocket money each week. I try to spend them reasonably. During the week I pay for lunch at the school canteen. Sometimes I need to buy some stationery. At weekends I go out with my friends. Sometimes we go to the cinema, sometimes to the pizza place. However, my favourite pastime at weekends is bowling. I like this game. I think it is not only entertaining but also social. Bowling unites like-minded people and gives a chance to communicate with good friends, instead of sitting in front of the computer. I dont mind computer games, but they can get addictive and certainly spending long hours in front of the screen is not healthy. It influences eyesight and brain activity. I keep in touch with some friends through social networks or chats, but I understand that real life communication is much better.

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