Раскройте скобки1. The diet (to be) the daily ration of foods

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1. The diet (to be) the daily ration of foods required by the individual.

2. A well-balanced diet (should, to contain) the foodstuffs roughly in the following proportions: 1 part protein, 1 part fat to 4 parts of carbohydrates.

3. The amount of carbohydrate required (to depend) on the energy output.

4. A man doing heavy work (to require) more carbohydrates than a sedentary worker.

5. It (to be) also essential that the food (should, to contain) cellulose. It is indigestable and therefore (to remain) in the bowels and (to stimulate) it to empty.

6. The value of foods (to calculate) by the amount of heat which they (to give) on combustion.

7. The heat (to measure) in calories.

8. The caloric value of a normal diet (should, to be) 3,000 to 3,300 calories per day.

9. The caloric value required by the individual (to affect) by age, exercise, sex, weight and build, climate and weather, temperament.

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2 ответа
1 is
2 should contain
5 is, should contain, remains, stimulates
6 is calculated, give
7 is measured
8 should be
9 is affected
1) is.
2) should contain.
3) depends.
4) requires.
5) is ,should contain ,remains ,stimulates.
6) is calculated ,give.
7) is measured.
8) should be.
9) is affected.
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