Необходимо написать рассказ об человеке от его имени, а-ля "about me"

Нужно написать рассказ об человеке от его имени, а-ля "about me" с великим содержанием предложений past perfect и past parfect continuous.
Предложений 10-12 штуковин:3
Я просто тупая для этого.
Маленькие примечания :
Я не прогуливалась в художественную школу до прошедшего года.
Я люблю пошутить. Я разговорчивая. Я прочла до этого месяца несколько книжек.
Далее на Ваше усмотрение. Оплата 20-25 баллов.

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1 ответ
My full name is Svetlana Matveeva, though it sounds rather pompous for a girl of my age. I was born on the 17th of April, 1995, in the village of Rublevka, Odincovo district, the Moscow Region. Two years ago our family moved to Moscow where I live now together with my parents.Now Im a pupil of the tenth form of a secondary school. I am finishing school this year and I want to enter the Institute. That is why I have to study twice as hard as an ordinary pupil. I take an active part in social life, attend спорт sections and subject clubs.

My favourite subjects are English, Mathematics and Literature. I have nothing against Natural Sciences and Physics, but somehow they seem of less importance to me. I am always very busy, but when Im free Im fond of reading. My favourite writers are Alexander Duma, Leo Tolstoy, Michail Bulgakov. You see, my biography isnt long. I hope my dream will come true and Ill become a student. If I fail my exams Ill be very upset, but next year Ill try to enter the Institute again.

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