Помогите с заданием!!! 1. Направить

Помогите с заданием!!!
1. Направить внимание на употребление времён группы Continuous (Present, Past, Future) и группы Perfect (Present, Past, Future) в реальном и страдательном
задатках. Выписать сказуемые и указать их видовременные формы.
а) For many years, railway track has been laid and repaired by hard manual labor.
Now this work is being done by means of up-to-date track machines and
б) The new American turbo-train has covered a 230-mile distance in 3 hours 15
minutes with four stops between Boston and New York.
в) Hurry up! I am afraid by the time we get to the station the train will have already

2. Выбрать правильную форму сказуемого (Active or Passive)
а) After the reconstruction of this line, track maintenance cost ( will reduce; will be
reduced) considerably.
б) Great attention ( pays, is paid) to ecological problems all over the world.
в) Be careful! The train ( is approaching; is being approached) the station.

3. Направить внимание на употребление модальных глаголов. Выделить модальные глаголы в английских предложениях и переводе.
а) Drivers of express and fast trains must have a rest after 3 hours of work.
б) The new automated control system will eliminate all types of accidents, which
can be caused by the drivers error.
в) You need not hurry up: you may take a later suburban train.

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1 ответ
1. А)has been laid and repaired; Present Perfect Passive Is being done; Present Continues Passive Б)has covered; Present Perfect В)am afraid; Present Simple Get; Present Simple Will have left; Future Perfect 2. А)will be reduced Б) is paid В) is approaching 3. А)must Б)can В)need; may
, оставишь ответ?

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