Здрасти. Помогите пожалуйста. True/false/N.S.John was named after his uncle who had

Здрасти. Помогите пожалуйста. True/false/N.S.

John was named after his uncle who had left for Australia

Johns parents were against his trip to France.

John travelled on the Eurostar for the first time

Johns trip to France lasted fir four days

John was in Paris less then week

The first place John and his friends visited in France was Disneyland

The tickets for Disneyland were bought in advance

John went on the Temple of Doom ride several times

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John was named after his uncle who had left for Australia Not stated.

Johns parents were against his trip to France False, his parents said yes.  

John travelled on the Eurostar for the first time True, he'd never travelled on that train before.  

Johns trip to France lasted for four days True, he had only four days.  

John was in Paris less than a week True, he had only four days and he took the train to London straight from the Disneyland station. It мейд his trip back only twenty minutes longer, but it was really convenient.

The first place John and his friends visited in France was Disneyland False, it was scheduled for the last day of his trip.  

The tickets for Disneyland were bought in advance True, all the activities were paid for a long time beforehand.  

John went on the Temple of Doom ride several times Not stated.

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