помогите с английским3. What holiday is it? Choose A) Christmas B) Guy

Помогите с английским

3. What holiday is it? Choose A) Christmas B) Guy Fawkes Night C) Valentines Day or D) Halloween

1. The symbols of this holiday are roses, hearts, and nightingales.
2. Children like to go from house to house and say Treat or trick .
3. You can kiss a girl/boy if you stand under the branch of mistletoe.
4. They usually make a jack-o-lantern on this holiday.
5. There is a popular rhyme Remember, remember, the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot.

Dear students, youll have to write mini-composition My favourite holiday according to the plan. Be attentive!

My Favourite Holiday
In year there are many holidays, and each happy in its own way. They can be connected with some national, family or personal celebrations.
I like almost all the holidays, but the most favorite holiday for me is .
.. is the most long-awaited (долгожданный) holiday in my family. I like it because .. . In every country it is celebrated in many different ways (разными методами) and each family has their own traditions.
One of the most important parts of celebrating this holiday is . .
I think it is necessary to .. . Every year my family and I . It is important to cook .. . We buy./set the table/ invite guests/ decorate the house with .
.. is my favorite holiday and I always look forward (ждать с нетерпением) to it/ . is the wonderful time when wishes come true/ For me, is the holiday when air is filled with magic, this is the time of new hopes and aspirations, a feeling of easiness and joy.

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3. Ответ D) Halloween

My Favourite Holiday

In year there are many holidays, and each happy in its own way. They can be connected with some national, family or personal celebrations.

I like almost all the holidays, but the most favorite holiday for me is Christmas. Christmas is the most long-awaited holiday in my family. I like it because this holiday makes me feel happy and delighted. All my family celebrates it every year. In every country it is celebrated in many different ways and each family has their own traditions.

One of the most important parts of celebrating this holiday is preparing for it and trying to choose some presents.

I think it is necessary to celebrate it with family. Every year my family and I spend all day together. We always play some games. It is important to cook a delicious dinner. We usuallydecorate the house with angels and candles .

Christmas is my favorite holiday and I always look forward to it. This holiday is the wonderful time when wishes come true. For me, christmas is the holiday when air is filled with magic, this is the time of new hopes and aspirations, a feeling of easiness and joy.

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