Номер 25(1), помогите, пожалуйста!!!

Номер 25(1), помогите, пожалуйста!!!

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2 ответа
1. Colymbus discovered America in the 15th centry.

2. In England, children go to school at the age of five.

3. If there are no clouds, you can see the stars at night.

4. I haven't seen Anna in days. Last time I saw her was Wednesday.

5. I won't he home in the morning. Please call me Monday night.

6. We go to the theater on February 14, we usually go out somewhere on this day.

7. Mike works a lot during the week, he rests on weekends.

8. I don't like anyone calling you at lunch.

9. We always have a Christmas party, nobody works during the Christmas holidays.

10. Hurry! We're leaving in five minutes.

11. The phone and the doorbell ran at the same time.

12. I'm taking you out to dinner at a restaurant for your birthday.

1. Columbus discovered America in the 15th century.

2. In England children go to school at the age of five.

3. If there are no clouds, you can see the stars at the night.

4. I haven't seen Anna for some days. Last time I saw her on Wednesday.

5. I won't be home in the morning. Call me, please, Monday evening.

6. We'll go to the theatre on February 14, we usually go out somewhere this day.

7. Mike works a lot during the week, he rests at the weekend.

8. I don't like when someone calls you during the lunch time.

9. We always have a party at the Christmas, during the Christmas holidays no one works.

10. Hurry up! We're leaving in five minutes.

11. Phone and door bell rang at the same time.

12. I invite you to dinner at the restaurant on your birthday.

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