2. Use the Present Simple, Active or Passive, instead of the

2. Use the Present Simple, Active or Passive, instead of the infinitives in brackets, translate the sentences into Russian.
1. A number of important by-products (to obtain) from meats.
2. Government officials (to inspect) and (to grade) carcasses after slaughtering.
3. The term "meat" (to use) to describe the flesh and other edible parts of animals.
4. Beef (to refer) to the meat from cattle, veal (to refer) to the meat taken from calves.

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1.is obtained - Многие главные субпродукты получают из мяса различных сортов.

3. is used - Значение "мясо" употребляется для описания плоти и иных съедобных долей животных.

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