Помогииите пожалуйста!Inderline the correct word.1. There is/are many people in the

Помогииите пожалуйста!
Inderline the correct word.

1. There is/are many people in the street.
2. The information you gave me is/are very useful.
3. The police is/are here.
4. My trousers is/are in the wash.
5.His shorts is/are made of cotton.
6.The scissors is/are on the table.
7. Her hair is/nre very short.
8. Money is/are not important.
It is/are love that matters.
9. The news is/are very good.
I0. This furniture is/are very old.

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There are many people in the street.

2. The information you gave me are very useful.

3. The police is here.

4. My trousers are in the wash.

5.His shorts is made of cotton.

6.The scissors are on the table.

7. Her hair is very short.

8. Money are not important.

It is love that matters.

9. The news is very good.

I0. This furniture are very old.

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ответ во вложении,полагаюсь правильно,единственное затруднилась с money

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