Изберите верный вариант ответаI wasnt at work yesterday. I (a were

Изберите верный вариант ответа
I wasnt at work yesterday. I (a were b is c was) ill in bed.
2 Wheres Dave? Hes (a at b to c on) the cinema.
3 (a When were you b When was you c Were you when) in Paris?
4 (a Was b Were c Are) you here yesterday?
5 (a How b What c Shall) we go to a restaurant?
6 I like pictures. I often go to (a the zoo b an art gallery c the disco).
7 (a Was the gym good b The gym good was c Was good the gym)? Yes, great!
8 You see plays at (a a theme park b a shop c the theatre).
9 The people were very nice and (a friendly b friend c a friend).
удовлетворительно 3 б.
неудовлетворительно 1-2 б.
10 Was Max out last night? Yes, (a was b he was c he is).
11 What (a do you do b do you doing c are you doing) this evening?
12 We often go to football (a matches b plays c shows).
13 (a Who b Where c What) about Saturday afternoon?
14 The room was (a small b noisy c clean) because of the traffic.
15 Were going to Peru (a next week b last week c yesterday).
16 Were they out? No, they (a wasnt b were c werent).
17 Our first car (a was b wasnt c were) black. It was white.
18 (a Lets b Let c Let we) meet after work.
19 They go to the (a play b film c beach) when its hot.
20 Were you (a on his own b own c on your own)?

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2 ответа

1.was. 2.at. 3.when were you. 4.were. 5. shall. 6.an art gallery. 7.was the gym good. 8.the theatre. 9.friendly. 10.he was. 11.are you doing. 12.matches.13.what. 14.noisy. 15.next week. 16.were. 17.wasn't. 18.Let's. 19.beach. 20.own

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