помогите с английским, пожалуйста! нужно прочитать текст, и выполнить задания 1

Помогите с английским, пожалуйста! необходимо прочесть текст, и выполнить задания 1 и 2! заблаговременно признательна! (в первом задании история должна быть дословно в 3-х-четырех предложениях)

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1) The main character wasn't able to see well in the dark so he accidentally ran into a wrong house. It turned out to be a good thing because he scared off the burglars.  

Have you ever made a mistake that actually turned out to be something good? Believe it or not, a lot of things we use every day were a result of accidents! Here is one of these amazing stories!

Last year Mary was supposed to go and support her friend Lora during a tenis tournament. Lora and her parents came to pick Mary up early in the mourning, but Mary was still asleep. Lora's parents decided to leave without Mary. Mary was very upset when she found this out, but she understood that this was her fault. Later that day Lora called Mary and said that the tournament was cancelled and schedualed on another day because of a bad weather conditions. Mary was very excited when she heard this news. She didn't miss school that day and now was able to go to her friend's tenis tournament.

2) d a f c g b e

Виктор Бармалев
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