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Помогите ответить на вопросы по британскому языку пожалуйста. Надобно ответить в стиле 7 класса, а не начальной школы. Надобно только про спорт

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1) I practice football , I enjoy practicing football since it enhances my coordination and collaboration skills. I am also quite good at football which is another reason why I enjoy it. Though I never competed in a football tournament.

2) I really like watching soccer matches on TV, sadly Ive never been to a game on an actual stadium but I hope I will one day because the atmosphere is so thrilling !

3) In our PE lesson we do fitness mostly calisthenics, we do jogging and we play sports like football !

4) I workout everyday to keep in shape , being fit isnt on ya key to good looks but good health too and it is very important for me to stay fit because I enjoy it too.

5) I would recommend calisthenics to my friend because its an easy way to get fit without paying for a gym membership or any equipment at all since it uses your body weight , some examples of calisthenics are push ups and crunches !

Надеюсь помогла :)

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