Act out a conversation the Future Continuous Tense ahd the vocabulary

Act out a conversation the Future Continuous Tense ahd the vocabulary A.Tomorrow I39;ll be flying to London B. ................................ A. Will you really? B. ..................................... A. Going out in such rainy weather is out of the queston... But ........................... B. By the way, when will you be coming back? Помогите пожалуйста , буду очень признательна

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A. Tomorrow I will be flying to London. B. At 10:30 I will be getting on a plain, going out to Gatwick airport. A. Will you really? B. Yes, I will be staying in Hilton hotel for a few days. A. Going out in such a rainy weather is out of question...But if you will be taking a taxi at the airport, it should be fine. B. By the way , when will you be coming back? I will be coming back on Friday evening.
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