I. Fill in the gaps with both, all, neither or none.

I. Fill in the gaps with both, all, neither or none. A: Was the test difficult? B: Not really. I39;m sure we ............. passed. 2 A: How are Lin and Kim doing at school? B: Great. ............... of them are very good students. 3 A: Are Tina and Kate at home? B: Yes. They are ............... doing their homework. 4 A: Why didn39;t you and Maggie come to the cinema last night? B: ............... of us felt like going out. 5 A: Why didn39;t you buy any of those trousers? B: Because ............... of them fit me. 6 A: What do your parents do? B: They are ............... teachers. 7 A: Mum, where did you put my books? B: They39;re ............... on the table over there. 8 A: I39;m looking for Camila and Sarah but ........ of them is here. B: Yes. They39;ve gone shopping.

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Fill in the gaps with both, all, neither or none.

1 A: Was the test difficult? B: Not really. Im sure we all passed.

2 A: How are Lin and Kim doing at school? B: Great. Both of them are very good students.

 3 A: Are Tina and Kate at home? B: Yes. They are both doing their homework.

4 A: Why didnt you and Maggie come to the cinema last night? B: None of us felt like going out.

5 A: Why didnt you buy any of those trousers? B: Because neither of them fit me.

6 A: What do your parents do? B: They are both teachers.

7 A: Mum, where did you put my books? B: Theyre all on the table over there.

8 A: Im looking for Camila and Sarah but none of them is here. B: Yes. Theyve gone shopping.

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