If I had an adult Составьте предложения!!! found cakes and ice-cream

If I had an adult Составьте предложения!!! found cakes and ice-cream were a beautiful voice didnt eat my watch didnt go to bed much money didnt lose late much time I d oversleep in the morningI would lose weightI wouldnt be late for the lessons go to school by a motor-bike keep it learn another language sing in a band

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1) If I were an adult, I wouldnt go to school.

2) If I found my watch, I wouldnt oversleep in the morning.

3) If I had a beautiful voice, I would sing in a band.

4) If I didnt eat cakes and ice-cream, I would lose weight.

5) If I went to school by a motor-bike, I wouldnt be late for the lessons.

6) If I didnt lose much time, I would learn another language.

7) If I didnt go to bed, I would be late for the lessons.

8) If I found much money, I would keep it.


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