Текст на тему моё хобби 12 предложений!

Текст на тему моё хобби 12 предложений!

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My hobby
Different people like doing different things; different people have different hobbies.
For example, my cousin is fond of collecting stamps. He has got a very good collection of stamps and he is proud of it. His stamps can tell you about different people and different countries. His hobby is popular with people of all ages. My cousin says that collecting stamps is easy and interesting. It is real fun for him. He learned a lot of interesting things about history and famous people, when he started to collect stamps.
At first he collected every kind of stamps. But soon he began to specialize in stamps of one subject only. Now his collection is thematic. His theme is fish.
Some of my classmates are collectors too. They collect badges, coins, dolls, toys, pencils, postcards, and many other things.
But collecting things is not the only hobby people have. Some people are fond of travelling, playing, football or gardening. And that is their hobby.
As for me, my hobby is reading. I am fond of reading adventure, scientific, fantastic and detective novels or stories.

Мо хоб. My Hobby

У мене багато захоплень, тому що сну дуже багато цкавих справ. На жалко, у мене малюсенько вльного часу, тому що я збираюся стати студентом доводиться багато вчитися. Мен багато чого подобаться робити. Наприклад, читати детективи, слухати музику, грати в тенс з моми однокашниками. Але мо улюблене захоплення вдгадування кросвордв.

Це не тльки цкаво, а також корисно. Если ви намагатеся розгадати кросворд, ви узнате запамятовуте багато рзних фактв. Тому що в кросвордах багато питань про знаменитих людей, географчн назви, крани, науков досягнення так отдал. Ви також тренуте мозок. снують рзн типи кросвордв. Це скандинавськ, англйськ, угорськ, японськ, звичайн кросворди. Кросворди друкують у газетах журнальчиках, навть спецальн газети, у яких надрукован тльки кросворди. нод я намагаюся скласти власний кросворд , признаюся, це не менш цкаво. Ус члени нашо родини люблять брати участь у вдгадуванн кросвордв, це дуже нас дна.


I have a lot of hobbies because there are so many interesting things to do. Unfortunately I dont have much spare time as Im going to be a student thats why I have to study a lot. I like doing different things. Such as reading detective novels, listening to the music, playing tennis with my classmates. But my favourite hobby is solving crossword puzzles. Its not only interesting, but also useful. When you try to solve the puzzle, you find out and learn a lot of different facts. Because in puzzles there are questions about famous people, geographical places, countries, scientific achievements and so on. You also train your brain. There are different types of crossword puzzles. They are Scandinavian, English, Hungarian, Japanese, ordinary. The crosswords are published in newspapers and magazines and there are special newspapers that contain only crosswords. I sometimes try to make up my own puzzle and I can say that it is not less interesting. All the members of our family like to take part in solving puzzles, and this unites us very much.

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