Раскрыть скобки 1)What your grandfather often( to drink ) for supper?

Раскрыть скобки 1)What your grandfather often( to drink ) for supper? 2)You( to like) to sing folksong ? 3)How many lessons your elder sister (to have) on Wednesday? 4)what game they (to play)at the school sportsgroubd ? 5)When your little brother usually (to wake up) ? 6)Wich whom your friend (to go) to the park on Sunday ? 7)Your dog (to play)with your toys ? 8)His father and grandfather (to play) chees every evening ? 9)How often your grandmother (to write) letters to her friend ? 10)You (to wash) video films every day ? 11)Who (to go) in for running? 12)When you (to go) to the country with your parents?

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1. What does your grandfather often drink for supper?
2. Do you like to sing folksongs?
3. How many lessons does your elder sister have on Wednesday?
4. What game do they play at the school sports ground?
5. When does your little brother usually wake up?
6. With whom does your friend go to the park on Sunday?
7. Does your dog play with your toys?
8. Do his father and grandfather play chess every evening?
9. How often does your grandmother write letters to her friend?
10. Do you watch video films every day?
11. Who goes in for running?
12. When do you go to the country with your parents? 

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