Whatever the weather British Isles are famous (or rather notorious) for

Whatever the weather British Isles are famous (or rather notorious) for their changeable and wet weather and English people often discuss it. They also use different weather words to describe other situations in life. Match the phrases with their meaning. Из первой колонки сравнить фразы из 2-ой put a wind up frighten like greased lightning fast blue skies confused in the doldrums postpone a windfall unexpected money put on ice optimistic in a fog depressed or stuck

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Frighten - put a wind up - испугать,

confused - in a fog - в замешательстве=как в тумане,

fast - like greased lightning - очень скоро,

unexpected money - a windfall - внезапно приобретенные великие деньги,

postpone - put on ice - отложить (на иное время),

optimistic - blue skies - оптимистичный,

depressed or stuck - in the doldrums - подавленный либо застрявший на месте.

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