Нужно написать ээсе на тему" Вред и выгода компьютера" на британском

Необходимо написать ээсе на темуquot; Вред и выгода компьютераquot; на британском языке. Объем 10 - 15 предложений.

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Science is going forward steadily, inventing and discovering more and more new inventions. Modern life is difficult to imagine without computers. They are firmly established in our lives and have taken their place in all spheres of activity. Computers make our lives easier. We use them for making calculations, writing essays, reading books and newspapers, watching news and movies, listening to music and just for having fun in variety ways. Without leaving home, we can contact relatives and friends who are on the other side of the world. For some people the computer is an indispensable tool in the workplace, for others it is a guide to the virtual world, where everyone can become anyone.
Despite the numerous advantages of this device, it has disadvantages as well. Social networks, movies, TV series, books, music, pictures, a huge amount of information resources all this attracts more and more people. Sitting in front of the monitor can have a negative influence on human health. It can be harmful to the eyesight, spine and human psyche. Using the Internet for a long time can lead to a strong addiction, especially in the case of using the device for entertainment and communication. Children often lose interest in the surrounding reality, do not want to go out and communicate with their friends. They are not fond of active lifestyle and спорт activities, hardly sit down for homework and almost do not read books. 
In conclusion, I can say that the computer can become a friend and our assistant as well as the enemy. It all depends on the frequency and the purpose of its use. 

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