написать отрецательные и вопрсительные My friends were at the cinema last

написать отрецательные и вопрсительные My friends were at the cinema last Tuesday . It was very cold last winter. YUO WERE AT THE BITHDAY PARTY YSTERDAY. Sue and Alex were in the village last summer. i was at the market yesterday .

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1. My friends were at the cinema last Tuesday.
Were my friends at the cinema last Tuesday?
My friends were not at the cinema last Tuesday.
2. It was very cold last winter.
Was it very cold last winter?
It was not very cold last winter.
3. You were at the Birthday party yesterday.
Were you at the Birthday party yesterday?
You werent at the Birthday party yesterday.
4. Sue and Alex were in the village last summer.
Were Sue and Alex in the village last summer?
Sue and Alex were not in the village last summer.
5. I was at the market yesterday.
Was I at the market yesterday?
I wasnt at the market yesterday. 

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