Англ яз напишити сочинение на тему возлюбленная поездка с классом 10

Англ яз напишити сочинение на тему возлюбленная поездка с классом 10 предл

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My favorite trip with the class was during the last year when we went to the Carpathian Mountains. I was impressed by the beauty of the forests and nature. We went on hiking to the highest mountain of Ukraine - Hoverla - and climbed there in three days. It was also exciting to see some of the animals casually walking around on our way there. Most of all, I think I enjoyed having the company of my classmates. It has been a brand new experience to see them outside of the school setting and get to know them better. Our leading teacher also enjoyed the trip. She was talking with us all the time. This is my favorite trip with the class so far. I would definitely do it again for our class reunion.

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