Избери и обведи верный вариант. 1. I think Mike at

Выбери и обведи верный вариант. 1. I think Mike at school tomorrow. a) will b) be c) will be 2. Jane yesterday. a) didnt played b) not played c) didnt play 3. What in the cup? a) there is b) is there c) is it 4. last year? a) Was he work? b) Did he worked c) Did he work 5. Sam five letters yesterday. a) writers b) wrote c) send 6. children in the classroom. a) There was b) There is c) There were 7. This is street in Moscow. a) short b) shorter c) the shortest 8. Bob in Africa. a) didnt b) arent c) wasnt 9. Did he go there ? a) last week b) next week c) now 10. breakfast? a) Did she have b) Did she had c) Had she

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1. I think Mike will be at school tomorrow. 2. Jane didnt play yesterday. 3. What is there in the cup? 4. Did he work last year? 5. Sam wrote five letters yesterday. 6. There were children in the classroom. 7. This is the shortest street in Moscow. 8. Bob wasnt in Africa. 9. Did he go there last week? 10. Did she have breakfast? 

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