Сomplete each sentence using the word given, so that it means

Сomplete each sentence using the word given, so that it means the same as the sentence before it. Use no more than five words.(Окончите каждое предложение, используя данное слово, так, чтоб это значило то же самое как предложение перед этим. Используйте не больше, чем 5 слов.) 1 Tony loved reading ghost stories in the past but now he simply hates them. (used) Tony ..................................... reading ghost stories but now he simply hates them. 2 When he was boy, he watched every TV programme about the worlds mysteries.(would) When he was boy, he .................................. every TV programme about the world39;s mysteries. 3 I never believed in dreams until one of them came true.(believe) I ..........................in dreams until one of them came true.

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