Поставьте к данным предложениям все возможные вопросы. (Общий, специальный, другой и

Поставьте к данным предложениям все вероятные вопросы. (Общий, особый, альтернативный и разделительный вопросы) Вариант 1 1. Mr. Black always draws on a drawing board. 2. These young men and women study at an English technical college. 3. The students go to the University by tram. 4. The teacher hangs tables and diagrams before a lecture. Вариант 2 1. The temperature of water is 43oC. 2. Mr. Hall has some assistants. 3. There was somebody in the laboratory in the morning. 4. All students pass exams at the end of each term.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ

 1. Mr. Black always draws on a drawing board. - Does Mr.Black draw on a drawing board?

2. These young men and women study at an English technical college. - Where do these young men and women study at?

3. The students go to the University by tram. - Do students go to the university by tram or by car?

4. The teacher hangs tables and diagrams before a lecture. - The teacher hangs tables and diagrams before a lecture, doesnt she?

Вариант 2

1. The temperature of water is 43oC. - What is the temperature of water?

2. Mr. Hall has some assistants. - Has Mr. Hall got any assistants?

3. There was somebody in the laboratory in the morning. - Was there somebody in the laboratory in the morning or in the afternoon?

4. All students pass exams at the end of each term.  - All students pass exams at the end of each term, dont they?

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