Составьте предложения, используя эти группы фраз в одном предложении. 1. to

Составьте предложения, используя эти группы фраз в одном предложении. 1. to depend on, motivation, high IQ 2. advisor, the best program, to structure 3. to pay attention to, every university, to have, the Rules 4. to prepare for, professors, to be different 5. to хэнд in, deadline, term papers 6. to communicate with, experienced students, information 7. to generate, professors, loyalty 8. employment situation, to consider, before entering 9. college, to have, a graduate program

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  1. School notes depend more on your motivation than on your high IQ. 2. The advisor helps me to choose the best program to structure my working tasks. 3. Every university has the Rules so the good students have to pay attention to them. 4. Professors prepare us for new tests as they can be different. 5. The student hopes to hand in his term papers before the deadline. 6. Its interesting to communicate with experienced students to get useful information. 7. To generate students loyalty professors give interesting lectures. 8. Before entering into a contract you have to consider the employment situation. 9. We have to enter the college to study in a graduate program then.
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