2 Choose from the brackets the correct form of the verb.

2 Choose from the brackets the correct form of the verb. a)yesterday they (is finishing,was finished,finished,have finished) to equip the english classroom. b)All the visual aids(are brought,were brought,have brought,is bringing) from Romania a week ago. c)when my sister came in i (worked,was working,have been working,is working) with my dictionary. d)we(has seen,were seeing,had seen,have seen) a very interesting popular science film in biology today. e)when mother (came,will come,was coming,comes) home,i will show her my new poem im English. f)how long you (was studying,had studied,have been studying,are studying) English? g)when mother came home,he already (was doing,was done,had done,has done) his homework h)listen how fluently Victor (was speaking,are speaking,is speaking,have been speaking) English with the foreign guests. i)while the teacher (were explaning,had explained,was explained,is explaining)grammar rules,Nick was drawing something.

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a) Yesterday they finished to equip the English classroom. b) All the visual aids were brought from Romania a week ago. c) When my sister came in, I was working with my dictionary. d) We have seen a very interesting popular science film in biology today. e) When mother comes home, I will show her my new poem in English. f) How long have you been studying English? g) When mother came home, he had already done his homework. h) Listen how fluently Victor is speaking English with the foreign guests. i) While the teacher was explaining grammar rules, Nick was drawing something.

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