Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильное время: Present Simple, Present Continuos,

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильное время: Present Simple, Present Continuos, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuos Since when be (learn) Chinese? - Since he got to university We (Build) this garage ourselves and hope to finish it within the next two mouths We (not finish) Cleaning the machines yet. Oh, You (Have a shave! You look strange without a beard. I (Borrow) books from this libraly since we moved here she ( he) on the phone for half an hour now . Who she (talk) to? He ( collect) stamps ever since he was a small boy I ( study) hard of late. Ive got exams next week I( learn) Spanish since last year You look tired- Yes, I ( work) non-stop all day

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Since when has he learnt Chinese? - Since he got to university we have been building this garage ourselves and hope to finish it within the next two mouths. We havent finished cleaning the machines yet. Oh, You have had a shave! You look strange without a beard. I have been borrowing books from this library since we moved here she has been talking on the phone for half an hour now . Who is she talking to? He has collected stamps ever since he was a small boy I study hard of late. Ive got exams next week. I have learnt Spanish since last year.You look tired- Yes, I have been working non-stop all day.

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