Раскройте скобки: 1. If only I (be) skinnier! 2. I wish

Раскройте скобки: 1. If only I (be) skinnier! 2. I wish my tummy (not\hurt) so much! 3.If I (be) you, I wouldn39;t eat that 4. You wont39;t have indi gestion if you (avoid) spicy foods 5. The tickets (send) to your address in two days 6. The Maths problem (not\slove) by all the students yet 7. Mr Jameson (accompany) to the opera by his wife last night

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1 ответ
  1. If only I *were* skinnier!
  2. I wish my tummy *did not hurt* so much!
  3. If I *were* you, I wouldnt eat that.
  4. You wont have indigestion if you *avoid* spicy foods.
  5. The tickets *will be sent* to your address in two days.
  6. The Maths problem *has not been solved* by all the students yet.
  7. Jameson *was accompanied* to the opera by his wife last night.
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