Заполните пропуски словами can, can39;t, could, couldn39;t, to be able to

Заполните пропуски словами can, can39;t, could, couldn39;t, to be able to 1. I39;m afraid I_______help you at the moment. 2. I don39;t think I39;ll_______come to the meeting. 3. The negotiations broke down because we_______agree on the price. 4. I_______see you were having problems, so I didn39;t interrupt. 5. If you_______make a firm order today, we should_______ship by Friday. 6. I find Portuguese very difficult I _______ understand it, but I_______speak it. 7. Sorry, I_______see you next week, but I might_______make the week after. 8. A: Will you_______go to the training seminar? В: No, I_______- I39;m very busy. 9. I39;m sorry I_______come to your talk yesterday I had to sort out a problem. 10. I_______ski really well when I was in my twenties, but now I39;m out of practice.

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1. Im afraid I can not help you at the moment. 2. I dont think Ill be able to come to the meeting. 3. The negotiations broke down because we could not agree on the price. 4. I can see you were having problems, so I didnt interrupt. 5. If you can make a firm order today, we should be able to ship by Friday. 6. I find Portuguese very difficult I can not understand it, but I can speak it. 7. Sorry, I shall not be able to see you next week, but I might I shall be able to make the week after. 8. A: Will you be able to go to the training seminar? В: No, I can not. - Im very busy. 9. Im sorry I could not come to your talk yesterday I had to sort out a problem. 10. I could ski really well when I was in my twenties, but now Im out of practice.

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