Заполните пропуски союзами as... as, so... as, than, not so... as.

Заполните пропуски союзами as... as, so... as, than, not so... as. 1. She is ... kind to me ... you. 2. No one is ... beautiful ... she. 3. There is no park ... lovely ... this one. 4. The last of them is taller ... the others. 5.1 think she is prettier ... any one else. 6. He is not ... clever ... he seems. 7. That is a nice thing, it is nicer ... anything else. 8.1 do my work ... good ... I can. 9. It39;s ... wonderful ... it can be. 10. Birmingham is ... large ... London. 11. Winter in Great Britain is ... cold ... in Russia.

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 1. She is as kind to me as you. 2. No one is so beautiful as she. 3. There is no park as lovely as this one. 4. The last of them is taller than the others. 5. I think she is prettier than any one else. 6. He is not so clever as he seems. 7. That is a nice thing, it is nicer than anything else. 8. I do my work as good as I can. 9. Its as wonderful as it can be. 10. Birmingham is not so large as London. 11. Winter in Great Britain is not so cold as in Russia.

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