Упражнение 9. Complete the tag questions. The books about animals are

Упражнение 9. Complete the tag questions. The books about animals are real fun, You really like reading magazines, You can go to the library tomorrow, Your mum thinks adventure stories are exciting, You haven39;t seen Harry Potter yet, Упражнение 10. Read these facts Ask and answer questions about the facts. Use Who? When? What? Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in 1818. Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio in 1894. Hubert Booth invented the vacuum cleaner in 1901 King Camp Gillette invented the razor in 1901 Henry Форд produced the first cheap car in 1908. Peter Chilvers built the first windsurfer in 1958. Упражнение 12. Correct the mistakes. What Tony is writing? What is writing? What Julia want to do? Who does wants a cup of tea? Who President John F. Kennedy killed? Who did invented the telephone? Whose your favorite actor? Who39;s is this coat? What hand do you write with? Arthur is 21, hasn39;t he? You39;re a student, isn39;t it? They live in Milan, doesn39;t it? Does Diana like golf, doesn39;t she?

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Ex 9.

The books about animals are real fun, *arent them*?

You really like reading magazines, *dont you*?

You can go to the library tomorrow, *cant you*?

Your mum thinks adventure stories are exciting, *doesnt she*?

You havent seen Harry Potter yet, *have you*?

Ex. 10

1). Who wrote Frankenstein in 1818? When did Mary Shelley write Frankenstein? What did Mary Shelley write in 1818?

2). Who invented the radio in 1894? When did Guglielmo Marconi invent the radio? What did Guglielmo Marconi invent in 1894?

3). Who invented the vacuum cleaner in 1901? When did Hubert Booth invent the vacuum cleaner? What did Hubert Booth invent in 1901?

4). Who invented the razor in 1901? When did King Camp Gillette invent the razor? What did King Camp Gillette invente in 1901?

5). Who produced the first cheap car in 1908? When did Henry Форд produce the first cheap car? What did Henry Ford produce in 1908?

6). Who built the first windsurfer in 1958? When did Peter Chilvers build the first windsurfer? What did Peter Chilvers build in 1958?


What is Tony writing? What is he writing? What does Julia want to do? Who wants a cup of tea? Who was President John F. Kennedy killed by? Who invented the telephone? Who is your favorite actor? Whose is this coat? Which хэнд do you write with? Arthur is 21, isnt he? Youre a student, arent you? They live in Milan, dont they? Diana likes golf, doesnt she?

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