Work in pairs. Read the questions. Answer them? 1.When was the

Work in pairs. Read the questions. Answer them? 1.When was the Moskow founded? 2.When was America diskovered? 3.Where is cofee grown? 4.What are tables usually мейд of? 5.Where are boocks sold? 6.What is usually coocked for breakfast in your family?( In england?)

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Работайте в парах. Прочитайте вопросы. Ответьте на их. 1. Moscow was founded in 1147. 2. America was discovered in 1492. 3. Coffee is grown in Central and South America, in Africa and some Asian countries. 4. Tables are usually made of wood. 5. Books are sold in bookshops. 6. In my family mum usually cooks fried or boiled eggs, we also have bread and butter with ham or cheese, and we drink tea. (Breakfast in England is usually porridge, soft-boiled eggs, toast and marmalade, and tea.)

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