5. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где нужно. 1. He hasnt got

5. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где нужно. 1. He hasnt got car. But hes got computer. computer is new. 2. My friends have got cat and dog. dog never bites cat. 3. I can see three boys. boys are playing. 4. My aunt and my uncle are doctors. 5. He has no coffee in his cup. 6. Pacific Ocean is very deep. 7. Summer is most beautiful season of the year. 8. I am at home now. 9. She has two children. Her children are at school. 10. Is your father at home? No, he is at work. 7. Употребите последующие предложения во множественном числе. 1. My tooth is white. 2. This is my computer. 3. A new house is in our street. 4. A man, a woman, a boy and a girl are in room. 5. Has this lady a knife?

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1. He hasnt got a car. But hes got a computer. The computer is new. 2. My friends have got a cat and a dog. The dog never bites the cat. 3. I can see three boys. The boys are playing. 4. My aunt and my uncle are doctors. 5. He has no coffee in his cup. 6. The Pacific Ocean is very deep. 7. Summer is the most beautiful season of the year. 8. I am at home now. 9. She has two children. Her children are at school. 10. Is your father at home? No, he is at work.
1. My teeth are white. 2. These are my computers. 3. The new houses are in our street. 4. The men, the women, the boys and the girls are in room. 5. Has this lady the knives?

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