Назовите начальную форму слов. factories, carried, living, more, depends, components, highest,

Назовите исходную форму слов. factories, carried, living, more, depends, components, highest, took, qualitatively.

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Factories factory factori + es noun we form plural with the help of the suffix - es.  

Carried to carry carri + ed regular verb the second form of regular verb is formed with the suffix - ed.

Living to live live + ing irregular verb.

More many / much adjective comparative degree.

Depends to depend depend + s regular verb Present Indefinite is formed with the help of - s. 

Components component + s noun plural is formed with the help of - s.

Highest high high + est adjective Superlative degree is formed with the help of - est.

Took take irregular verb.

Qualitatively qualitative qualitative + ly adverb / adjective. Adverb is formed with the help of - ly.

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