Open the brackets to complete the story: THE DERBY The Derby

Open the brackets to complete the story: THE DERBY The Derby 1(be) one of the most famous horse races in Great Britain. The first Derby 2(take) place in May 1780. The races 3(name) after Lord Derby. He 4(open) them with the help of Lord Bunbury. Each race 5(cover) a mile and a half and 6(hold) in the county of Surry. So in May everyone 7(remember) the Derby and 8(prepare) for the occasion. People who 9(go) to watch the races usually 10(wear) their best clothes and 11(look) very elegant. It 12(be) a very important event in the British life.

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The Derby was one of the most famous horse races in Great Britain. The first Derby took place in May 1780. The races was named after Lord Derby. He opened them with the help of Lord Bunbury. Each race covered a mile and a half and held in the county of Surry. So in May everyone remembered the Derby and prepared for the occasion. People who went to watch the races usually wore their best clothes and looked very elegant. It was a very important event in the British life.

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