Заместо пропусков надобно поставить глагол1)The bigger the car, the ... it

Заместо пропусков надобно поставить глагол1)The bigger the car, the ... it is. A) fast B) fastest C) faster2) Look at him! He ... A) is swimming B) swam C) swims3) I ... a new bike next week. A) bought B) have bought C) will byu4) We ... abroad last summer. A) travel B) travels C) travelled5) The children often ... in the garden. A) are going to play B) play C) plays6) The bigger bag, the ... it is. A) heavy B) heaviest C) heavier

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1-the bigger the car, the faster it is
2-look at him!he is swimming
3-I will buy a new bike next week
4-we travelled abroad last summer
5-the children often play in the garden
6.the bigger is bag, the heavier it is
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